It is fair to say that even during the times that the doors are closed, the letterbox is still open and the bills keep coming in!
We have now returned to a traditional Offertory Collection, so you are very welcome to place cash and envelopes in the baskets as they are brought round, during the Offertory. Suffice to say though, handling cash is not quite so straightforward in these times of pandemic. In addition, we are conscious that parishioners increasingly prefer to be able to give their offerings and donations by other means, so we are keen to encourage people to give money electronically.
Regular Giving
If you want to make a regular offering to St John’s we would strongly urge you to set up a Standing Order with your bank. We have a Standing Order form here which you can print and send to your bank. If you bank online, our bank details are on the form for you to use.
If you decide to set up a Standing Order and are able to Gift Aid your offering, please can you complete and sign this form, then post it to church, or drop it in when you are next passing.