Procedure for Funerals

Special arrangements for Funerals at St John’s during the current Covid-19 restrictions

The following information is designed to provide a simple summary of the key points that bereaved families need to bear in mind when planning a funeral at St John’s and to anyone who plans to attend a funeral. More information can be found on our website.

Arranging a funeral at St John’s

If you are arranging a funeral for a loved one, you may already be in regular contact with Fr Anthony but you may contact him at any stage on 0161 881 3558. He will be happy to talk to you at any time and will advise you of the particular requirements during the current restrictions.

Suspension of Prayer Vigils and reception into church.

A short Vigil has often have been held in church, before a funeral. It is not currently possible to hold such services. Fr Anthony can provide guidance as to how you can prepare from home.

Funeral Rites

Whether you arrange for a Funeral Service, or a Requiem Mass, the Rites and order of service remain largely unchanged. Fr Anthony will discuss readings, music and contributions from family and friends, well in advance, so that you can plan a service which is appropriate for you.

Procedures for the day

Number of attendees

The maximum number of mourners allowed to attend a Requiem Mass or Funeral Service in St John’s is not a fixed number. 

We have a webcam to stream services.


We have around 70 parking spaces in our car park, however, there is only one entry and exit gate, so please arrive in good time and be prepared to show a little patience as cars make their way in and out of the car park, as the entrance can become congested.

At larger funerals, the car-park can quickly fill up and there is very limited on-street parking surrounding the church. Please do not park on Whitelow Road, St Clement’s Road, the pavements outside church or the parking areas for the neighbouring flats, as this can cause dangerous obstruction and inconvenience to our neighbours. Consequently, these areas are often patrolled and cars may be ticketed or removed as necessary.

There can sometimes be on-street parking available on Manchester Road and there is often additional parking space available at the Parish Centre, on the corner of High Lane and Chequers Road (approximately 200m walk).