In the Roman Catholic Church there are seven Sacraments, which divide into three groups:
The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist;
The Sacraments of Healing are Reconciliation and the Sacrament of theSick;
The Sacraments of Commitment are Marriage and Holy Orders.
You can find out more about each of the Sacraments on the Vatican Website
Here is some useful information about how, when and where the Sacraments are celebrated in our Parish:
If you would like your child to be baptised please speak to Fr. Anthony, in the first instance.
If you are an adult and you would like to be baptised, please again speak to Fr Anthony about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). For more information on the RCIA programme click here.
Eucharist – Holy Mass is usually celebrated here from Tuesday – Friday at 10.00am, on Saturdays at 10am, then the vigil Mass at 6.00pm and on Sundays at 9.00am and 12.00noon.
The First Holy Communion programme is undertaken by children in the Parish in Year 3. The education part of the programme is undertaken with help from the Parish schools. There are also sessions in the Parish Centre for all the children and their parents and carers, as a key part of the Year 3 Sacramental Programme. We will keep you informed about this, and we ask you to pray for all our parish families who will be starting this journey with us. If your child is not at one of our Parish schools, but you would like them to join the programme, please speak to Fr Anthony.
Reconciliation – is usually celebrated each Saturday, after 10.00am Mass and at 5.30pm, before the 6.00pm Mass.
Confirmation – The young people of our Parish have traditionally made their Confirmation in Year 3. From this year however, there will be a new arrangement, with children taking the Sacrament later in their school lives. Children who have received their First Holy Communion and are now in Year 8 will now be able to take part in the preparation for Confirmation. This is a very important Sacrament as it is when the young people renew their baptismal promises and their initiation into the Catholic Church is confirmed by the Bishop.
Any parents who would like their child to be Confirmed, please speak to Fr Anthony for further details.
Holy Orders – The Church needs priests and deacons so that the other sacraments can be celebrated. God calls the unlikeliest of people to priesthood and the diaconate! Nevertheless, it takes many years of preparation, prayer and discernment before you may be ready to be ordained.
Matrimony – We are always pleased to see people making the special commitment of the Sacrament of Marriage. As with any commitment it has its happy moments and its challenging ones. If you are planning on getting married, and you would like to be married in St. John’s, please speak to Fr. Anthony and he will be happy to help you in the planning and preparation for your special celebration. We ask that couples give as much notice as possible and they will be expected to take part in a course for Engaged Couples that are held several times each year. You may find the following website useful. Here you will find some thoughts each week about marriage and based on the Sunday readings. Guidance and details of marriage preparation courses run by Salford Diocese can be found here.
Anointing of the Sick – Jesus always had a special care for the sick and the church carries on this care through various ministries. Sickness can be a very upsetting and difficult time but the Anointing of the Sick shows that God is there for you in your time of need and brings calm and peace to a distressing time in a family’s life. The Sacrament of the Sick is celebrated communally in church during Eastertime and in the autumn. It is also celebrated according to need in people’s homes.
If someone needs Holy Communion at home then contact the parish office.